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Showing posts from June 30, 2024


I saw my Old Classmate, felt Pity for him... One day, I met an old Classmate. We had not seen each other for about 20 years.  When I saw him again, this time at a hotel lobby, he wore simple clothes. I felt touched. He walked up to me and was glad to see me again. But deep within me, I was not impressed with his status compared to mine, I couldn't hide it. We exchanged contact details, and I could see the joy in him as he collected mine. I told him I would drop him home in my brand new Range Rover but he declined and said he had already called for his car, a 2001 Honda Accord. I invited him the next day for lunch at my house. A part of me wanted to impress him, to show off my success while another was to discuss opportunities and possibly help him. He drove to Bonamousadi, where I lived. He looked impressed with my house, one I had taken a heavy mortgage to acquire and thereafter we had lunch. He told me he was into small business and particularly real estate.  I brought up more bu


ARTICLE WRITTEN BY TR. JAVILLA TEL. +256783091848 Scouting is a voluntary movement, non political educational movement for young people open to all.   *The mission of scouting* is to contribute to the education of young people, through a value system based on the scout promise and law, to help build a better world where people are Self-fulfilled as individuals and play a constructive role in society.  Like any other co curricular activity scouting is.  Scout movement provides a diversity of skills through activities done by young people. In Uganda majority of scouts are in schools unlike other countries where scouting in every where and open in the community. We have got four sections of scouts ie cubs, juniors, ventures and rovers, majorly we have cubs, juniors in primary, juniors and ventures in secondary and rovers in tertiary institutions.  These scouts compete every year at zonal, district and national. This year national competitions will begin on 23rd of August. During competiti