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Members of Mbarara Ecclesiastical Province who live in Kampala and Jinja Unite in Prayer and Reflection at Fatima Parish in Jinja

Members of Mbarara Ecclesiastical Province who live in Kampala and Jinja Unite in Prayer and Reflection at Fatima Parish in Jinja

March 16, 2025, was a day of spiritual rejuvenation for the members of Mbarara Ecclesiastical province as they gathered at Fatima parish in Jinja for an animated mass. The celebration was led by Rev. Fr. Fred, the main celebrant, and Rev. Fr. Innocent CSC, the co-celebrant.

The mass was elevated by the beautiful music provided by the Brothers from Queen of Apostles Philosophy Centre Jinja, who animated the choir with their angelic voices. However, the highlight of the celebration was the thought-provoking homily delivered by Rev. Fr. Innocent. He encouraged the faithful to refrain from using their phones during Mass.

Rev. Fr. Innocent's words struck a chord with the congregation as he pointed out the irony of being able to spend hours on our phones, but struggling to spend even a few minutes in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. His message was a timely reminder of the need to prioritize our spiritual lives and cultivate a deeper sense of devotion.

Rev. Fr. Fred, who had traveled from Kampala with a large team, also addressed the gathering. He emphasized the importance of unity among the members of Mbarara Ecclesiastical province, encouraging them to live exemplary lives and support one another.

The Chairperson of KEJI FODA JINJA Mr. Isingoma thanked everyone who attended the function and encouraged them to keep up the spirit of Co operation 

The day's celebrations concluded with a gathering where the participants introduced themselves and shared a meal together. The event was organized by JINJA KEJI-FODA, and it was clear that their efforts had paid off in bringing the community together in prayer and fellowship. As the members of Mbarara Ecclesiastical province departed, they carried with them a renewed sense of purpose and unity.

Article written by Tumusiime Brian Amooti C.E.O Elite Daily News Live

Contact us for your article or news to be Published via E-mail. elitedailynews44@gmail.com


Article written by Tumusiime Brian Amooti C.E.O Elite Daily News Live

Contact us for your article or news to be Published via E-mail. elitedailynews44@gmail.com


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