TEL. +256783091848
Scouting is a voluntary movement, non political educational movement for young people open to all.
*The mission of scouting* is to contribute to the education of young people, through a value system based on the scout promise and law, to help build a better world where people are Self-fulfilled as individuals and play a constructive role in society.
Like any other co curricular activity scouting is.
Scout movement provides a diversity of skills through activities done by young people. In Uganda majority of scouts are in schools unlike other countries where scouting in every where and open in the community. We have got four sections of scouts ie cubs, juniors, ventures and rovers, majorly we have cubs, juniors in primary, juniors and ventures in secondary and rovers in tertiary institutions.
These scouts compete every year at zonal, district and national. This year national competitions will begin on 23rd of August. During competition scouts' skills are assessed using some parameters.
On the side of adults in scouting, every school is required to have at least two scout leaders ( a male and female ) and they are supposed to undergo a scout leader's training course. This course is in three stages. The 1st being ITC(introductory training course) normally for one day. 2nd , BTC(Basic Training course) which takes five days. It is detailed and residential, the 3rd is a Wood Badge course (WB) which is a course done in ten days at the national training center of scouts, kaazi. As a scout leader (teacher) you have to undergo the above training and many refresher courses in order to remain in the know of scouting skills.
During the training, teachers are taken through the history of scouting, fundamentals of scouting, principles of scouting, safe from harm, scout method, scout ceremonies, pioneering, hiking skills, camping skills, leadership, reconnaissance skills, projects, financial management, patriotism, songs, parade, poems etc.
The major role of these teachers is to train, guide , protect and support their scouts.
The first course and the second course can be acquired with in a district but for a Wood badge it is mandatory to train from kaazi, each country has one training ground for this course.
A Wood badge is an advanced and international course for scout leaders. (2 beads)
However, a scout leader can choose to progress in scouting and take it as another profession. From wood Badge one can go for an ALT(Assistant Leader Trainer) course(3 beads) and then LT(Leader Trainer) course (4 beads). ALTs and LTs help to form the National Training unit and are responsible to train scout leaders. LT is the last level of progression in scouting. For one to go for ALT and LT course has to be selected by the national training team. The training is normally planned on a need and all East African trainees train from one chosen center/country. Last year it was in Uganda while this year Kenya.
Lastly, i call upon all members of this group, our headteachers* and fellow teachers* to accept and welcome scouting in our schools, in our district so that our learners who would love to be scouts or guides are not denied the chance. With Scouting learners become disciplined.
For God and my country.