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I saw my Old Classmate, felt Pity for him...

One day, I met an old Classmate. We had not seen each other for about 20 years. 

When I saw him again, this time at a hotel lobby, he wore simple clothes. I felt touched.

He walked up to me and was glad to see me again. But deep within me, I was not impressed with his status compared to mine, I couldn't hide it.

We exchanged contact details, and I could see the joy in him as he collected mine.

I told him I would drop him home in my brand new Range Rover but he declined and said he had already called for his car, a 2001 Honda Accord.

I invited him the next day for lunch at my house. A part of me wanted to impress him, to show off my success while another was to discuss opportunities and possibly help him.

He drove to Bonamousadi, where I lived. He looked impressed with my house, one I had taken a heavy mortgage to acquire and thereafter we had lunch. He told me he was into small business and particularly real estate. 

I brought up more business discussions, but he didn't sound too interested. I asked him how I could help him. He said he was fine. I even told him that if he was interested, I could help him secure some loans. He looked at me and smiled.

He told me he would invite me over to his place soon. His old car came for him. I was grateful to God for what I have. “All fingers are not equal," I thought to myself.

Two weeks later, my wife and I went to see him in a remote area. Initially, my wife was reluctant to go because she was not impressed with the man's status to warrant our visiting him in his house.

I was able to convince her that we were close friends in college.

We saw the estate in Lendi Douala. We asked for directions to his home. Those leading us spoke of his name with deference.

It was a simple but lovely home. A 4-bedroom bungalow. I saw 4 cars parked in front. We entered his house. It was simply elegant, he welcomed us warmly.

Lunch was well served, his wife calls him Ninj.

During lunch, he asked about my MD. He said they were friends. I saw a company gift on one of his tables nearby. That company owned about 38% shares where I worked. He told me he owned the company. He also owned the Estate.

I did not know when I called him, Sir.  I was in awe of him, too.

I had learnt a lesson in humility, a Big one. Appearances are deceptive. He noticed my discomfort.

Driving back home, I was very quiet. My wife was humbled and extremely calm. I could perceive the thoughts in her mind. I looked at myself. Living on loans, heavy loans, and showing off while someone who pays my salary is quite modest and living a simple life.

Indeed Deeper Rivers Flow In Majestic Silence!

Brothers and sisters adjust your perception towards others this year. Read, learn, and take a good step of change.

Stop rating people based on their physical appearance or level of education. Rather, concentrate more on how to better your life than how to impress people.

Do have a Splendid Day ~ One Love❤️


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