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What Do You Need To Know About ministers of infirm.
Also known as Camillians, The Order of ministers of infirm is an international religious community of men and women, both brothers, priests and sisters, whose ministry is to “care for the sick, dying, marginalized and poor up to the risk of one’s life.”. We strive to be Jesus for the sick and to serve Jesus in the sick as he said in (Matthew 10:7-8) Go preach the gospel, Heal the sick. Our charism and the spirituality are to be found in camillian Constitution which was approved by the Holy See and recognised by it as being a ‘text rich in doctrine and spirituality. The order was founded in Italy by Saint Camillus de Lellis in the year 1575 and was approved by Pope Sixtus V in the year 1586. A camillian is identified in a white or black habit with a red cross on the chest. The red cross serves as the emblem of the order and which universally recognized today as the sign of charity and service.
The order is so far established in different continents of the world including North and south America, Europe, Asia and Africa with different provinces such as, Anglo-Irish Province, Austrian Province, Brazilian Province, Dutch Province, French Province, German Province, Lombard-Venetian Province (central and eastern parts of northern Italy, the former Austrian part), North-American Province, Piedmonts Province (north western Italy), The Philippine Province,  Polish Province, Roman Province, Spanish Province, Province of Thailand and the Indian province. In Africa we are based majorly in west Africa and East Africa.
 The Camillian missionaries spearheaded by Rev. Frs. Tom O'Conner and Tom Smith arrived in Uganda in 2000. They were welcomed by the bishop of Lugazi dioceses and stationed at Nyenga hospital. Currently the order has established its projects in different region of the country such as Eastern in jinja and Musoli in Mayuge district, western region in Fort portal, central region in Masaka and Kampala. In Jinja-Kimaka we have the philosophy house, fort portal we have theology house and novitiate in Masaka.
Camillians basically serve in hospital, marginalized homes, baby care homes, nursing schools caring for the sick, the dying and the marginalized.
 Our formation program is a nine-year journey which begins with come and see program that lasts for one week and always conducted at the philosophy house in Kimaka-jinja. This is followed by a one-year orientation program also at the philosophy house in Jinja and here candidates learn more about formation and community life. They also learn different prayers and how they can build up their spirituality. After orientation postulants are allowed to do philosophy studies which lasts for three years and admitted for one year of Novitiate after philosophy degree. From novitiate candidates take their temporary vows as they set off for the four  years of theology studies. After then the professed brothers take their final vows as they perciew their deaconate and priesthood.
Camillians take vows of poverty, chastity, obedience, and one unique vow of service to the sick, even at the risk of one’s own life, that is to say; they commit themselves to the service of those affected by illness. In addition to their healthcare work, the Camillians also engage in pastoral ministry, spiritual direction, and the formation of future healthcare professionals. They continue the legacy of Saint Camillus de Lellis by embodying his motto, "Serve the sick with the passion of Christ
There is a newly established Camillian organization called the Camillian disaster service international CADIS. It was formed purposely to help in running the activities of the mission. The purpose of the CADIS (Camillian Disaster Service) within the Camillian religious order is to provide humanitarian aid and disaster response in times of emergencies and natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, and epidemics, by providing immediate assistance to affected populations. This can involve deploying trained Camillian religious brothers, priests, and volunteers to affected areas to offer medical care, psychological support, and other essential services. It also focuses on delivering healthcare services to vulnerable populations affected by disasters. This includes setting up temporary medical facilities, providing medical supplies and equipment, and offering medical consultations, treatments, and surgeries. After the initial emergency response, CADIS engages in long-term rehabilitation and reconstruction efforts. This involves collaborating with local communities and organizations to rebuild infrastructure, restore healthcare facilities, and support the overall recovery of affected areas.
Our founder Saint Camillus, called by God, began a new family dedicated to service to the sick
Our ministry is a very good way of gaining the precious pearl of charity. Allowing oneself to be guided by love: what we do to the sick we do to Christ.
  Am always moved by the great saying of our founder;
        “The poor and the sick are the heart of God, In serving them we serve Jesus Christ” 


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