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Showing posts from July, 2024


BY NURSE NINA The lion is often referred to as the "king of the jungle" due to its dominant position in the animal kingdom. Lions are known for their strength, courage, and regal appearance, which have led to their association with royalty and power. In the wild, lions typically live in groups called prides, which are usually made up of related females, their cubs, and a few adult males. The females in a pride are usually related, and the males often form bonds with the females and their cubs. The pride structure allows lions to work together for hunting, protection, and raising their young. Lions are skilled hunters and are known for their powerful jaws and sharp claws, which make them well-equipped to take down prey such as antelopes, zebras, and wildebeests. They are also skilled climbers and have been known to climb trees to escape danger or to rest. The lion's mane is one of its most distinctive features, and it serves as a way for lions to intimidate rivals and attr


By Naturinda Henry, 2024 TEL.+256 760 968715 This reflection generally tries to suggest to me the different ways how one can overcome life’s emotional disturbances that are mostly faced in our everyday life. It also puts forward ways of how I can improve my style of living and become a better person. There is a lot of suffering in our world of today that is as a result of people being hungry for things that are more beautiful and valuable. We all strive to reach at things that are too great and extra ordinary and there is also hunger for love, kindness, justice that make people experience suffering in the world.  It seems to me that it is through these struggles and sufferings that we develop some problems; mental, physical, social and spiritual. As a result, we end up being depressed or bored and we can easily show the clear symptoms of losing interest and pleasure, irritation, loss of concentration, changes in sleeping habits, body pains, feeling of tiredness, feeling of worthlessnes


Where are you coming from by this time of the night? He thundered. Honey you won't believe what happened today. Oh God I'm so tired right now. She replied as she yawned.  I asked where you are coming from and you are vomiting rubbish. Does that answer my question? Are you trying to pretend you don't know there's no food in this house? Femi said fuming. Honey I'm sorry but you should hear me out first. I.... Before she could complete that sentence, a thunderous slap kissed her left cheek and she passed out on the sofa. Get my dinner ready, after that you will tell me why you switched off your phone. He said as he walked towards the bedroom. When he noticed there was no response from his wife, he was infuriated. He rushed towards her to unleash the rest of the demon in him but on getting close to her, he discovered she has passed out. He was shocked. Cold sweat appeared on his forehead and raced down his temple. Fear gripped him. He began to panic. He dashed into the