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“Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow your love.”― St. Francis of Assisi

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Peace and good,

At the period when the waves of winds of war, hunger and oppression are blowing and we frequently see signs of troubles, The Capuchin Franciscans, have embarked on a come-together process: we recognize the urgent need to journey together, cultivating the spirit of listening, participation, and sharing. We wish to help develop the human family, heal its wounds, and guide it to a better future by working with all good men and women. I'd want to discuss with you the broader definition of “vocation” in the context of The Capuchin Franciscans formation, an Order that listens to God, the church and the world.

You are called to be supporters together of the Church’s mission

The Capuchin Franciscans’ journey together is a key vocation within the Church. Only by examining this, can we distinguish and value the diverse vocations, charisms, and ministries. We understand that the Church exists to evangelize, to go forth and plant the seed of the Gospel throughout history. This purpose can only be accomplished if all areas of pastoral action collaborate and, more crucially, include all of the Lord’s disciples. For “by virtue of their baptism, all members of the People of God have become missionary disciples” (Mt 28:19). “All baptized people, regardless of their position in the Church or level of faith instruction, are evangelists” (Evangelii Gaudium, 120). 

You are called to be guardians of one another and of creation.

According to The Capuchin Franciscans, The word “vocation” should not be understood restrictively, as referring simply to those who follow the Lord through a life of special consecration. All of us are called to share in Christ’s mission to reunite a fragmented humanity and to reconcile it with God. Each man and woman, even before encountering Christ and embracing the Christian faith, receives with the gift of life a fundamental calling: each of us is a creature willed and loved by God; each of us has a unique and special place in the mind of God. At every moment of our lives, we are called to foster this divine spark, present in the heart of every man and woman, and thus contribute to the growth of a humanity inspired by love and mutual acceptance. We are called to be guardians of one another, to strengthen the bonds of harmony and sharing, and to heal the wounds of creation lest its beauty be destroyed. In a word, we are called to become a single family in the marvelous common home of creation, in the reconciled diversity of its elements. In this broad sense, not only individuals have a “vocation”, but peoples, communities and groups of various kinds as well.

God’s loving and creative gaze

God’s loving and creative gaze met us in an entirely unique way in Jesus. The evangelist Mark tells us that, in speaking with the rich young man, “Jesus looking upon him, loved him” (10:21). This gaze of Jesus, full of love, rests upon each of us. Brothers and sisters, let us allow ourselves to be moved by this gaze to allow him to lead us outside of ourselves! Let us also learn to look at one another in such a way that all those with whom we live and encounter whoever they may be will feel welcomed and discover that there is someone who looks at them with love and invites them to develop their full potential.

You are invited to build a peaceful world

As Christians, we do not only receive a vocation individually; we are also called together. We are like the beautiful feathers of a crested crane. Each is lovely in itself, but only when they are put together do they form a beautiful bird. Each of us shines like a star in the heart of God and in the firmament of the universe. At the same time, though, we are called to form constellations that can guide and light up the path of humanity, beginning with the places in which we live. This is the mystery of the Capuchin Franciscans: a celebration of differences, a sign and instrument of all that humanity is called to be. Priests, consecrated men and women, lay faithful: let us journey and work together in bearing witness to the truth that one great human family united in love is no utopian vision, but the very purpose for which God created us. Let us pray, brothers and sisters that the People of God, amid the dramatic events of history, may increasingly respond to this call. Let us implore the light of the Holy Spirit, so that all of us may find our proper place and give the very best of ourselves in this great divine plan. May the intercession of St Francis of Assisi keep us united in love and unity? May the good Lord keep blessing our St Paul’s National Major Seminary Kinyamasika, fraternity?

If you feel called to The Capuchin Franciscan way of life to live as brothers or priest you need to have; O-level with a minimum of 6 credits(including Math and English), A-Level with 10-points, two principle and GP, a good recommendation from your parish priest, You be physically and mentally healthy and a Catholic.

You can reach the vocations office at ;+256 777 744277.

                                                                                           BR; THOMAS BIRUNGI.OFM.Cap

                                                                                           +256 700 954 057


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Kind regards. 


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