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Showing posts from March 8, 2024


BY REV. SR. KABASIZA MARGRET CSC FROM FORT PORTAL DIOCESE.  In life of every person there is a fore-story, a pre-story, a ‘’before’’. The fore-story influences the direction one’s life takes. Indeed we all have a pre temporal existence in the mind of God who fashioned and determined us for temporal existence. We have first been convinced by him and bequeathed to the world as the gift for a fulfilment of the divine intention. Each person is therefore, unique; he/she has an irreplaceable place in creation. Thus ‘’before I formed you in the womb, I knew you’’ (Is.1:5). However, our environment determines much in our lives. Our socio-cultural ambience forms the basis of our future vocation and aspirations. The experienced, structure and maturity of both our primary and secondary societies pave the paths we follow later in life.  Hence those who mould young people ought to pay a great attention to the socio-cultural background of the young. It is within such context as this that they can he


BY REV. SR. KABASIZA MARGRET CSC FROM FORT PORTAL DIOCESE.  From time immemorial, Alcoholism has had a devastating impact on human life. Consequently, it is not surprising that many people, Christians and non-Christians, take strong stands against alcohol because of its over increasing effects on the society. Unfortunately, most people in our circles and elsewhere in the world have not yet realized the negative effects of over consumption of alcohol which has led to higher poverty levels, domestic violence and related crimes, mistreatment of children and other social evils. This has affected Christian morality. Some people have lost the concept and sense of God and go against the Decalogue, therefore, the need to find a way of helping each other. Alcoholism has no boundaries, does not distinguish between sex, religion and nationality because everyone who consumes alcohol is a potential candidate (Salvatore, 2009). Contrary to human life today we read the bible that God created all thin