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For centuries, slavery had been a plague of Africa and mainly central Africa. Imagine, in chronicles of the 11th century, we read already about the export of African slaves. Many missionaries realized that as long as slavery lasted, their preaching of Christ’s Good News of faith, hope and liberation would meet with great obstacles and serious opposition of the Arab slave dealers. They gave the anti-slavery campaign all they had; their talents and the prestige of their personality. Their campaign finally achieved its aims and this was their dream. Most of them did not live to see it but those who walked in their footsteps are the very people at the source of the abolition of slavery in Africa.
But unfortunately, slave trade and all other forms of injustices have taken another shape in this 21st century where Africans are selling their fellow Africans, human trafficking is at its peak, innocent children are disappearing now and then and innocent blood is being shed each day. All these weaken my heart and irritate my soul. I therefore tell you that together we can stand and fight these disordered habits and practices up to the end. It’s my heart’s desire that everybody should live in a better place free from these vices. We should stand together and protect the children of our motherland because they deserve to live in peace.
We need to let the children see a brighter future, because the children of today who are fighting for survival, are the leaders of tomorrow. Let there be no blood shed, no child sacrifice, no child labor and no children trafficking on Africa our motherland. 
Children are out there somewhere, alone and frightened, living life in hiding because of fear. They need someone to take their hand because they are lonely, let us give them love and hope. We should not dessert them nor reject them, all they need is love, support and understanding. We have got to stand up and fight for their rights. We all share the light in the fight against injustice done to children. In time of joy and of sorrow, let us take a stand and fight for the rights of the little ones. With open hearts let us stand out and speak to the world and save some lives. Save the children of the world. Let us be open and advice the youth, a new generation to protect, support  and love the children. Let us give them everything they need in truth and love. Let us take this message a cross the boarders and break the barriers.  Let us lead this struggle, we should not bow down in the face of injustice against children.
Let the children see a bright tomorrow. We should all embrace all the children. There are so many beautiful faces that are invisible. In each one of us there is a little of all of us. While you and I take access to food, water and other basic needs for granted, there are those who have one or no tap/borehole to share, no food, no basic needs.
There are many unheard voices of children crying out from the wilderness to the leaders. Children are crying of fear, loneliness, hard labour, torture and hunger. They need peace and love. There are those who toil from sun up to sun down while suffering in silence. Children are forced to work like adults at a young age. This act is called child labor. It leads to physical, social and moral harm to little children. It is the act that deprives children of their childhood, their potential and their dignity and this is harmful to their physical and mental development. Every child is a gift from God. It must be nurtured with care and affection of the family and society. Oh Lord, what a shame hearing children crying in anguish and pain! Oh what a shame killing innocent orphans in anguish and pain! There are only a few lucky ones get adopted for better lives. Let the children live in peace and love, freedom and justice, is what they need. We are tired of fighting and killing innocent children.
By Naturinda Henry


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